Stepping Into Alignment With The Universe

Recently I spoke with a dear friend who has been trying to lose weight for quite a while. She told me about a 3 day diet that she began that doctors give to heart patients who are having surgery but need to drop a few pounds first.  You do this diet for 3 days out of the week for however long you want to lose weight.  I did this diet in 1988 and lost 15 pounds in 3 weeks.  It was incredible.  I’ve been trying to lose some weight that I’ve gained since my surgery and had totally forgotten about this diet until Mary mentioned it to me again. Well Mary lost 5 pounds in the first 3 days.  I asked her if she is going to do it again next week and she said she didn’t know.  I couldn’t comprehend that answer because we’d been talking for ages about losing weight, working out, etc. and this finally worked!

Sometimes people don’t really feel that they deserve something that they keep saying the want. You have to really believe you deserve whatever it is you want in your life to receive it. We are all guilty of somehow sabotaging ourselves when we say we want something but either really don’t, or don’t believe we should have it.  Maybe you wish you had more clients for your business, but then there are days where you think to yourself, “Gosh, I sure wish I could have a few days off next week”, or “I’d really like a good man in my life”, but then you keep saying, “I attract all the losers, that must be what I deserve, I can never find a good man!” Or, maybe like Mary you really want to lose weight and get fit and healthy, but inside you may not feel attractive so you try diet after diet, work out after work out program, drop a few pounds then decide not to keep doing it no matter how easy it is.

To receive we must be in alignment with the universe. The doubts and negative self talk we do is not in alignment with the universe.  God is pure, loving, positive energy and that is where we must be to receive what we desire. The more you think about something, the more emotion you put into those thoughts, the quicker it will come! Good or bad, whatever it is you focus on the universe will deliver. Pay attention to those thoughts! Change the negative into positive thoughts as soon as you notice! Get excited about what you are asking for. Feel what it feels like to have it! Then be grateful for everything you have in your life. The more grateful you are the more God gives.